Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ready, set, go!

Finally ready to assemble the quilt. It's quilt-as-you-go, remember, so all the components are appliquéed/embroidered  (as required), layered, quilted, and trimmed to the precise and exact sizes needed. Even the borders. It's an engineering feat as much as an artistic endeavour.

Say "Cheese"!


  1. *TeeHee* I've always felt my quilts were an engineering miracle (well, a miracle I got them finished, that is). Can't wait to see the finished affair, Cheryl!

  2. The finished blocks are lovely, they is going to make a beautiful quilt!

  3. I can hardly wait to see the finished product.

  4. these look great, looking forward to seeing the layout.

  5. Really intrigued with your site, but am unable to read it -- blue type on blue background makes it nearly impossible to read.


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