Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today in a photo

The pellet stove is blazing, and the tulips my sister-in-law and brother brought for Easter are just starting to bloom. Beautiful shades of green and coral that lift the spirits. A couple of good books on my Kobo. Cassie sleeping. Today in the Kingdom.


  1. Where is the cup of good coffee?

  2. Absolute bliss, I would join you in an instant, lots of rain down here, warnings in place, streams rising, good days to stay home, Cassie, company perfected.

  3. Despite the fresh snowfall outside, I know that the warmer weather is coming soon and gardens will be in full bloom before we know it. Meanwhile, this cozy setting is lovely to look at :)

  4. What an awesome photo! I can picture myself relaxing on the other end of the sofa with a nice cup of coffee.

  5. Peace. Comfort. Tranquility. All is right with the world!


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