Tuesday, November 4, 2014

ComedyCoup 2014

Our son and his wife are taking part in the CBC's ComedyCoup competition. Young performers and film makers across Canada are vying for a chance to pitch their comedy show and win a chance to have it developed by the CBC. Blair and Christina have already made it through a couple of rounds. Each week there's a new challenge, and here is what they've put together for this week.....Week #5 - Hype it!

Of course, I'm biased, but I think this is very funny. If you do, too, you can help them on their way by voting for them.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of the project with the CBC. Clicked on the link and watched all your son and his wife's videos. Funny! Wishing them the best of luck with this and hope that they are successful in having CBC develop their sitcom.
    P.S. Their twitter following is growing :)


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