Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Most days, it is true, what I do is really play. It's fun. Today, it was more than fun. Today, a little magic happened in my sewing room. Here's the block:

That cotton eyelet lace is only stitched on one edge, to create the illusion of the cat peeking out. This one is for my friend Polly, who I suspect is very adept at the ambush manoeuver. I have to admit that Cassie doesn't see the point. And even though I made a slight miscalculation in the width of this block, it will all turn out OK. Have faith! It's not rocket science. It's just play.

This block is one of the smaller ones. It should print at 4inches x 8inches. It will have a 1/2inch border and a 1 1/2inch border. And then, for it to fit in the grand scheme of things, it needs to have a 2inch band added to each vertical edge.  Total block size: 8inches x 16inches. These are the finished numbers. If you're playing along, be sure to add seam allowances.

Yesterday's block printed at 8inches x 8inches. It had a one inch inner border and then a 3inch border. Total block size: 16inches square. Again.....seam allowances are not included in these numbers!

I almost forgot. Here's the link to get the template.

1 comment:

  1. It's DARLING. I love the eyelet lace - and the flowered bedspread. You are correct in that playful Polly is indeed very adept at reaching that paw out when you least expect it, to nab bare toes. She could certainly teach Cassie a few ninja moves.


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