Thursday, November 27, 2014

New toys

You know on Christmas morning? When you were a kid? You got toys and you could hardly wait to play with them?

Here's what came in today's mail. I'm so excited. I showed Cassie and I showed Mr. Coco. "Look! Look! Isn't this exciting?" They were both suitably impressed. This is 100% merino wool felt. I got 12 sheets of different colours, but there are 112 colours to choose from. I almost had a meltdown trying to choose, so I bought an assortment instead. And the bag of greens in back? That's a 3 oz bag of felt scraps. Only $5!! What a deal!


  1. It would have been so hard to choose the colours. That blue looks soooo soft. We'll be watching to see what amazing things you do with it!

  2. Love getting packages in the mail! Enjoy this and be sure to share what you do with it.


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