Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gnomes Love Carbs

Spoonflower has a design challenge every couple of weeks. This this time, it's all about Gnomes!

Here's the challenge prompt:
No one appreciates getting cozy quite like gnomes, preferring to nestle into subterranean caves and nooks. Although we hear they DO love to travel.... Entries will be previewed on a 21" x 18" fat quarter and should repeat.

And here's the watercolour I based my design on. I added some more cupcakes for interest. Still learning about repeating surface designs.

You can vote, if you're inclined. Just go  here.


  1. I voted, and the repeat design is fantastic.Love the gnomes!!!

  2. Okay, i have voted. Looks like stiff competition, so many fabulous design, but, of course, I love yours best.

  3. Voted! As always, I love the many details in your designs. Good luck!!


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